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Level 0 of architecture

This level shows the architecture at the most general level. The car owner is a specialized form of car user. He creates and manages the group. The car user uses the system to organize the sharing of the car with the other users in the group. The Caruso API is the interface from which the system can request the necessary data.
The car owner and user use the car sharing web application "Carmate" via a web browser.


Level 1 of architecture

This level shows the internal connections of the system and what components it consists of, namely a front end, back end and a database. The user navigates through the elements of the front end of the application via the browser. The frontend asks for data in the backend, while it either stores or queries data in the database. In addition, the backend cyclically asks for data using listeners via the Caruso API and saves it in the database.

Architecture: App-Funktionen

© 2020 Carmate

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